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Learn 4 facts about the prophetess Shalem-Salmina and how God has called her to serve Him

Welcome to Everlasting Pathway!

This is the perfect place for all Christian that want to discover the reality of scriptures through revelational blogging. I will deliver great teachings and tips that will guide you on the everlasting pathway to paradise and away from the crooked paths in Christianity that lead to destruction.

First, before we launch out into my powerful messages, I dedicated this blog to my readers to learn about my story as a prophetess. Thus, you will walk with me in 4 truths in the bible that identifies with my calling.

1. God Revealed Himself in a Dream

( Numbers 12: 6 ) “if there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.”

We can see throughout the Bible that God always reveals Himself to the prophets whom he has separated unto himself through dreams and visions. For instance, Isaiah found his calling as a prophet in a vision that he had the year king Uzziah died when he saw God and offered his service as a messenger despite knowing his imperfections. However, the way God reveals Himself to prophets differs between each one.

For example, Moses met God at a burning bush while Samuel heard God speaking to him openly. Immediately, we can see that God establishes a particular relationship and connection with prophets. It is due to their duty to speak on His behalf, so He reveals Himself in such a unique way. With that said, my story as a messenger of Christ began at the age of twelve when I encountered God.

My Dream

My dream is lengthy and detailed, so long story short: I encountered God on a tall mountain. It was a race to the top, so I pressed forward in the dream until I saw God stretching out His hand to me, saying, “she is the one.” When I reached Him, He was shining bright. (he had no face, only a form)Therefore, I could not look Him directly in the eye.

We held a short conversation then He led me to two scrolls to read, which I did not understand. Afterwards, when we finished our discussion, I asked Him how I would get down? He said, “jump and angels will catch you, have faith.” As soon as He uttered those words, I did not hesitate to jump, knowing that three angels would catch me, which happened. At the bottom of the mountain, His mighty hand came and swept me away into my bedroom.

I came from my roof unto my bed, where I saw Jesus standing at my door, filled with light smiling. I was dumbfounded and said, “Jesus” in only a whisper. My room door was not mine but the door of heaven! It was a semi-oval with a golden border with Hebrew writing engraved in it. Jesus then stepped through the shining door and disappeared into the light.

Weeks later, God revealed my calling as a prophet and the explanation of the entire dream.

2. I have Messages and Warnings from above to Proclaim

(Ecclesiastes 3: 10) I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied.

God does not establish prophets for non-essential reasons but with a divine purpose to warn His people on what is to come due to their disobedience. Second, to expose their wrongdoings so that they might come back to the truth.

To illustrate, Jonah was told by God to rise and to go to the great city Nineveh because of their wickedness to warn them about their wrongdoings and God's wrath. Jeremiah also delivered a message to Israel warning them of their pagan worship and sin, which will cause their captivity in Babylon.

With that said, both minor and great prophets have the same based message. Their God-given task is to speak on behalf of the Father to His rebellious children concerning their misbehaviour.

It is NOT to prophesy into lives randomly; He can use anyone for this. Besides, prophesying is only a gift and different from the task of a prophet which is said above. Don't be fooled by people who prophesy. The difference between true prophets is that they come with correctional messages which embed some form of prophecy.

The Truth of Prophecy

Many people prophesy by the spirit of divination, but God's prophets come with a message that reveals the path the sheep are going down.

On very few occasions, you see in the Bible prophets prophesying into individual lives separately, even though they can because their purpose is to correct the nation of God (the body of Christ). They collectively tell them what they are doing wrong and warn them of their sin.

That is a true prophet.

They prophesied to crowds (the house of Israel) concerning things to come.

Prophets have great prophecies concerning the entire world or church to proclaim. Even Jesus, a Prophet also our Messiah, prophesied namely to huge crowds about His resurrection and more.

He rarely spoke into an individual life separately unless God had a reason.

For instance, the Samaritan woman at the well whom He prophesied into her life about her five husbands. However, the purpose of speaking a prophetic word to her was to save the entire city.

His goal (reason) is to reconcile His children and to save souls. So, He will use prophets to prophesy into individual lives if there is a mission to rescue an entire city, country, e.t.c, from hell.

The keyword is “whole.”

The ministry of a prophet is to impact the world or church enormously through warning prophecies so that they return to God's original intent.

I, myself, will be delivering important, prophetic messages and revelations, e.t.c, to the world and church through my blogs. You can contact me at for any questions or help.

The scriptural evidence that anyone can prophesy

God can have different people prophesy into personal lives by inspiring them with the Holy Spirit; it is a gift of the spirit. Therefore, being a prophet must be more than just having a prophetic gift. It is warning the body of Christ about upcoming events due to disobedience and is the ministry of correctional messages.

Many people call themselves prophets only for the mere fact that they prophesy but remember that Paul said that it would be best if everyone had the gift of prophecy than tongues, emphasizing that this gift is accessible to everyone. (1 Corinthians 14)

To explain my point, King Saul would begin prophesying every time the evil spirit came on him. (1 Samuel 18: 10) However, this was an anti-prophetic satire by which many people partake of the prophetic ministry. There are many other accounts in the bible of people prophesying, though they are not prophets.

Note: Prophets also deliver messages on God’s master plan for the church (kingdom), namely to restore after they face calamity and great trials. Messages of hope like that of Ezekiel also surround the structure of the word of the prophets. The theme of speaking a message of hope when all seems lost repeats itself in the Bible in the books of the prophets.

My blogs (called ministry) will surround all mentioned in section 2 and also reveal misinterpreted scriptures. (false messages) Keep reading to discover!

3. Specific Tools and Gifts

Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith. (Romans 12: 6)

When you think of prophets do you instantaneously think of the gift of prophecy?

The reason behind this is because prophecy has been ranked so high by men. Seemingly, due to the amazement of a person capable of prophesying the future. Cool, right? However, this causes the other crucial gifts that make a prophet to become exceedingly overshadowed by prophecy.

God has given us tools for different uses in our calling, and one would be far from enough. Think about it: if you need a range of nuts, bolts, and screws to help construct durable manufacture, wouldn't we need different spiritual gifts to establish the work of our callings?

We are the handiwork of God, used for His glory, tools used for distinct purposes. Thus, the prophet is a tool in the hand of God to expose the works of the enemy through prophecy and messages revealing the lies of Satan directing the people astray.

The Gift of Dreams and Visions

Prophets have multiple visions and dreams for revealing hidden knowledge. For example, knowledge of the past, future, present, lies, crooked ways, strongholds, plots of the wicked, etc. They accumulate all this knowledge to correct the sheep and warn them, keeping them steadfast in God's will.

Daniel, for instance, had four apocalyptic visions that revealed knowledge to the people about the end, which we still carry fast today. (we are seeing bits and pieces unfolding) Ezekiel also had six visions disclosing Israel's restoration to its former glory. All the prophets in the bible dispose of a level of this gift. Some few, some a lot.

I, myself, am a dreamer and have visions quite frequently.

Ministry of Teaching

Prophets are teachers. I think that many people don't realize it.

They teach about the true path and evil ways and encourage people to live faithful lives to God. Prophets reveal the truth of scriptures and derive lessons from them to correct the steps of the sheep while also exposing lies in the footsteps of the believer.

To illustrate, Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, also considered a Prophet taught concerning the truth and wrong ways of the jews: they hated their neighbour the Samaritans, which would later cause them eternity, etc.

The prophets of today have the same similar task as Jesus. Some prophets teach more than prophecy, while others the opposite. Jesus, in this case, taught more but prophesied concerning His resurrection and much more!

It is the reason I called this blog, Everlasting Pathway because I reveal the truth and how it has been bent and branched out into different directions leading to hell by false teachers. There is one path to eternity, which I will guide you on in this blog as your teacher in Christ..

Tools of Clarity, Understanding and Knowledge (MUST READ)

It is impossible to be a teacher without understanding the book you are reading to educate your students. You will teach stupidity and be foolish.

However, the learner will not perceive you as so because they are relying on your knowledge. Thus, the church is a school where believers come to learn, but if the person at the podium is speaking nonsense to you, you will not even know until a real teacher comes and teaches you.

It is like going to school to learn French or any other subject for the first time. You will depend on the person who claims to be a teacher, but if their knowledge is false, it will cost you a lot in the future, that being university but heaven, in this respect.

Indeed, the Teacher will take notice of the fake. He will send the men or women to His office for strict punishment: fire for leading an entire class nowhere. The person will be a fool in the sight of the Holy Spirit.

Here is where the gift of wisdom, understanding and knowledge comes into play.

And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts. (Exodus 31: 3-5)

God gives prophets (and any other teacher) the gift of wisdom, understanding and knowledge to craft all sorts of messages to impart to others. Nonetheless, the gift shifts a tad in the office of a prophet.

That said, they need an open mind and a clear understanding of the Word to derive important hidden messages that will alert, correct the sheep or expose the agenda of the wolf, which embeds the revelational gift. These tools aid prophets in discovering the meaning of their visions and dreams.

You will see several of these demonstrated gifts and tools in my blogs, including others I did not mention.

4. Bonus - Renamed

(Isaiah 62: 2) The Gentiles shall see your glory. You shall be called by a new name which the mouth of the Lord will name.

Paul, Peter, Abraham, Sarah are just a few of the many people in the scriptures who were renamed or had multiple names. Again, this is just a bonus because not everyone gets renamed by God/Jesus, a father, an apostle, or otherwise, but I did..

How did my name change?

I was having a regular family devotional in my home when the Holy Spirit suddenly took over, causing me to fall to the floor speaking in tongues. All I could hear and see in my field of vision was Shalem-Salmina repeated over and over again. I knew God was calling me and speaking, but what?

When I finally got up, I wrote down those exact words and asked God what they meant. He immediately told me that was my new name and confirmed it in a dream. I was shocked that it meant anything. It means perfect with good and with peace in Hebrew.

Here is my story as a prophet on how I began and what to expect in my blogs. Keep connected to be warned about the oncoming crisis in November concerning the world and the risen beast. It is a must-read if you want to survive.

Note: if you encounter someone who prophesies and claims to be a prophet but does not measure up to all mentioned in this blog, they are false.


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