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No Greater Love

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

They say your love is the greatest

An extension of the divine

Sweeping throughout the nations

Surpassing understanding of mankind

It does not run out of patience

Nor run out of time

Leaving the ninety-nine

To go after the lost one

It leaves no one behind

They say your love is the greatest

A mender of broken hearts

Restoring and healing

In Christ, giving us a new start

Your grace revealing

How unmerited and unconditional it is

To be loved by you

The thought of it like a sweetened kiss

Oh I don't deserve it

But you call me your own

A Bridegroom coming back for his bride

Only to you I belong

They say your love is the greatest

Because you gave your life for mine

So teach me to love

Like that great love of the divine

© ~ Star Latty


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