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5 Ways To Get Your Prayers Answered Immediately

Sometimes, in the lowest valleys and points in our journey with Christ, we can't help but feel as though our great Shepherd is a far distance from us. Like we are wandering sheep travelling in a vast wilderness.

Some days, we find ourselves battling lies that our Brother does not hear us and thoughts that He does not care about what we do. Yet, we know it is not the truth.

These emotions usually overwhelm our hearts when God remains silent at our prayers.

"I have been praying for years for Jesus to change my life situation, but nothing has changed. Am I doing something wrong?"

I want to remind you that God's eyes are always upon His children, and it is His pleasure to answer us when we call. If you have been waiting to hear an answer from Jesus then continue reading this blog to discover what you are missing in your prayer life! Apply the following steps to get your prayer replied to immediately.

I assure you that Christ's voice will become more defined in your life and that you'll discover how to hear God's whisper better. This way, you'll notice that Jesus is always speaking and answering.


My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him (Psalms 62: 5).

Let the Lord lead you in your prayer and supplication, then leave His courts with a righteous attitude that your prayer reached God's ears and that He's about to return your prayer to you answered.

As Jesus's faithful servant, do not only strive to pray fervently and fast but demonstrate an understanding that God will answer you asap. Your prayer will only be signed, sealed and delivered once you leave God's presence with that expectant mindset.

Imagine the presence of the Holy Spirit as a post office where you go to deliver your mail to heaven. God has couriers, His angels to do His work and deliver messages to you. So expect that you have coming mail after each dedicated discussion with Christ.

Be convinced by your faith that your answered prayer is arriving tomorrow. Set your expectations in God! What do you want, when do you want it, now get it. Your faithful, righteous expectation that aligns with biblical realities will determine when and how long it will take to hear a reply from God.

Grow in your friendship with Christ then you will realize that Jesus will even respond to your unconscious solicitudes, the thoughts you think towards yourself!! I say this out of many experiences.

Countless times, I would get caught pondering on divine and gratifying ideas that would be nice for God to perform in my life (something small), then suddenly, I have it answered. Wow, my little prayer, or should I say heart-desire without any price tag or urgency attached to it, was still meaningful for Christ to acknowledge?

It amazes me that He pays attention to my little imaginations in my head; I am mind-blown. It proves how much He cares and my close relationship with Him.

That is not all, but one night, when I longed for Jesus to answer me pronto, I established my stern faith in Him, which resulted in a visitation from the Lord. My request was heard and answered in the early morning.

I told our Father that I expected to lay down and sleep and hear from Him in a dream. That's all! It was a small prayer tied around expectation, declaration and faith that had a fruitful return.

Jesus rejoiced at my high faith in Him, just as He always did with multiple people in the Bible who faithfully placed their demands. He was amazed at my remark and understanding that as a loving Father, He freely gives.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you (Matthew 7: 7).

If your heart is right with Jesus, our Lord, expect that He will listen to you and answer you directly. Remember, He answers the call of the righteous, but the wicked He will not hear.

He LOVES YOU and wants to show it by surprising you with amazing breakthroughs! God is a jealous God and desires that you rely on Him to solve your problem, not others, so He'll be sure to answer you.

The last thing Jesus wants is for you to look to your neighbour for help besides Him. Therefore, He honours His reputation for being a faithful, trusting Father by harkening and responding to His people. Keep this in your heart and allow expectation to stir inside you that, He needs to answer your prayer because He never changes.

Right now, as you discover this spiritual reality, you are opening your ears because you're allowing God to have access to speak to your heart through your expectation.

All while keeping hope, you still ought to have a reasonable expectation. Do not expect God to bring you from poor to rich in one day. That is a different story. You need to put in works, labour to receive a harvest.

But, when it comes to a query, a problem, clarification, or a simple prayer of guidance for the right husband, friend, anything of the sort, the Holy Spirit will answer you swiftly.

A keyword I use when I pray is “I know.”

I know you are the God of justice, and You say... and I know you will answer me right now. I have complete assurance and confidence.

After I made such a finding in my life, my faith and relationship grew more active in Christ. I get my prayers returned in the very moment I am praying or the day right after (it does not take long at all) because I have an established conviction and expectation.

Jesus will then answer through a scripture, person, revelation, dream, et cetera, all the time!

I literally will be crying in God’s court, babbling my problems, while in my mind, I imagine and know that Christ is coming back to me with a solution. So it happens.

”I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”. What do you expect today? Expect something good and it will happen to you! (Psalms 27: 13)


I already see it and envision God telling me my solution. At this stage of friendship, you have complete trust, hope, faith that God has your back.

Look at the blind man in the Bible who expectantly and faithfully travelled to the pool of Siloam and washed the mud off his eyes, thus receiving sight (John 9: 7). God gave him the request of his heart, but it was up to him to imagine his healing first. The blind man envisioned himself receiving sight at the pool of Siloam, so his faith and expectation guided his feet to his deliverance.

It is the same with God’s sheep. See God's promise in your life becoming a reality before you experience it. Have expectations in His word when it comes to your prayer life, and, immediately you'll hear a word from the Lord. This old blind man obeyed Jesus' command even though it seemed impossible to find a pool without sight to guide him.

Your faith is your sight, thus foreseeing your prayer getting answered establishes faith, a moving ground on which God can operate.

God hears your cry and would never ignore you for no reason.

So the next time you pray, and it seems as though your supplication was omitted, ask yourself the question if you had the correct expectation? Did you faithfully envision God carrying out His Word in your life?


Only God knows the way out of our problems and what's ahead of us, making Him the only perfect guide. If you find it hard to hear Jesus's voice, you are perhaps not looking at your situation through the lens of Christ.

As children of God, it is not our decision to determine the outcome of our situation or answer. It is Christ's.

Therefore, searching for a specific reply from God is not a good practice as a Christian because we box up Jesus and His marvellous plans for us that are above and beyond what we could grasp and imagine for ourselves.

Thus, it becomes difficult to hear the tiny whisper of God by looking for a particular answer. In return, you block yourself from receiving the right message Jesus desires to convey to you. It is a wrong expectation to expect God to respond a certain way and causes a delay in your prayer request realization; your heart is closed.

Are you looking at your challenge the same way God is? Try not to have a pre-registered solution in your head. Let Christ do His work and answer you. Also, do not attempt to control how God will reply to your query, or your closure will never come.


Your lack of faith will result in whether your prayers remain undealt with or not. If you do not believe God will answer you, you automatically close your heart and ears from hearing God. Unbelief and doubt are the results of unanswered prayer since you have no hope in a response.

It is not that God doesn't speak, but you are not seeking an answer since you don't believe none is coming. Unfaithful people do not look for a sign from heaven. So if one comes, they will miss it. However, faithful people have faith that a sign from God will appear, which is why they remain watchful.

Doubt will cause you to skip your answer from Christ, preventing you from getting the solution to your issue. Why is your head is in the sand? Keep your head lifted to the hills from where your help and answer lies.

If you come into God’s courts without the right mindset built on FAITH but carry uncertainty, you will block yourself from your breakthrough, revelation and victory.

Nothing is impossible and too hard for God! Do not doubt that your situation and prayer will get an answer.

God answers the prayer of the faithful.


Your desire will also determine how fast your prayer becomes performed by the hand of Christ. Show your zeal for a speedy answer from God, and He will move.

Look at David and the other kings in the Bible that prayed that God delivers them quickly, as they were on the verge of being invaded. They demonstrated faith and courage in what they were seeking Jesus to do.

Put urgency on your prayer request, and He will move immediately, as He did with the disciples of the early church that came to Him.

Believe in what you are saying!

Just as the sick were made well instantaneously by their faith, your request will be heard and answered quickly by showing your stern faith and desire.

When the sick looked up to God, they knew that He was capable and willing to heal them.

Desire God to operate hastily to deliver you and answer as psalms 70 says: be hasty, do not delay and help me.

Jesus would never withhold anything good from His children. He is ready and aspires to answer our prayers.

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalms 37: 4).

The ill knew in their hearts that Jesus was going to answer them no matter what, for His love and compassion for people is great! Christ did not dismiss their prayer (request) because God saw the meditation of their hearts (desire).

He knew they came with desire to receive their healing and restoration through the Messiah right there where they stood. He gave them what they saw already, desired and believed would manifest.

Multiple people in the Bible desired Jesus to change their poor conditions, so they went out of their way to fulfill it; get their prayers answered.

For instance, it is recorded in the Bible that a few jews made an opening in a roof above Jesus to lower a mat where a disabled man lay (Mark 2: 4). They went out of their way because they had a great desire for the paralyzed man to be healed that very day despite the huge crowd that blocked them from reaching the Son of men.

The faithful brought their cases to God and wanted hasty results, so they got it.

Grow a desire for Jesus to answer you right after you finish your prayer, and you will hear from Him. I always have a great longing that Jesus will answer me after all my prayers or a few days later, which never disappointed me.

Know with all assurance that God never fails. His good promises to you will come to pass (Joshua 21: 45).

Note: Jesus is not ignoring you or your case. It is yourself standing between your answer from Christ.

No expectation = No faith/desire = No answer

Faith that is dead is unprofitable; dead faith means no answer. I sincerely hope that my blog opens your mind, eyes and heart! After God told me this revelation, my life changed dramatically, and now I receive from God every time I send Him a message. Now that you understand how to get your prayer answered immediately, you will see a surprising change in your prayer life!

Love you guys, and God bless :)



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