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How To Get Rid Of Menstrual Cramps Using A Revelation From God?

As Christians, there are many hidden secrets and truths in the Bible to uncover. God divulges His mysteries to us to widen our understanding, expose lies, help us discover more profoundly our identity and for many other reasons.

Amongst multiple secrets we have yet to unfold, the mystery behind whether or not period cramps are the will of God is a message from the Lord that I am assigned to deliver through this blog.

Do you believe that Eve's sin is what causes ladies to experience dreadful menstruation cramps and symptoms? That it is God's will that His daughters suffer agony every month, leaving one wondering if they will live or die?

Everyone I ever knew, including myself, always blamed Eve for the havoc they underwent during their period. But, it so happens that God opened my eyes to realize the lie behind period cramps being His intention for His creation.

Hold up, do not get me wrong, God did say it was His will for all women to go through unbearable child labour and experience period cycles. However, He never mentioned period cramps.

God unveiled this truth to me when my sister was undergoing horrible, I mean, excruciating pain during her time of the month. She was crying a lot and felt very sick.

So I began to pray for her when it touched my heart: Is it God’s will to see His children suffer like this every month?

The Holy Spirit then led me to speak the truth about periods to my sister. By the time God finished conveying the truth about period pain and symptoms through me, she was perfectly well.

The pain vanished because I was speaking the truth inside her being. Not only did it leave that very moment, but the cramps were gone forever!

After that day, she never felt period cramps again. But would be reminded of the words that Christ spoke to her in her time of need.

To all women who want the period cramps to end and to no longer take pills, here is the truth that God gave me.

You are now probably wondering where did cramps come from then?

According to what God told me, the muscle pain we feel in our uterus, believe it or not, came from the devil himself. Now, yes, scientists say that cramps result from the high production of prostaglandins: hormones produced by the uterus that cause it to contract.

But is it all women that experience dreadful cramps and symptoms? No, it is not all women. Some are so blessed that their period is light and comes and goes effortlessly. Well, others, I can testify, are left very grumpy.

The devil introduced cramps to ladies as an ordinary activity that transpires in the body. We accepted it, grew acquainted with it and assumed it was God’s will.

But, in reality, Jesus never wanted us to go through such horrid pain. Look at Genesis 3: 16, when God cursed man for having disobeyed.

To the woman, He said: “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labour, you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”

It said nothing about cramps nowhere.

Remember, the devil is the father of lies and creates all sorts of diseases and afflictions. Agonizing cramps and dreadful symptoms are part of his long list of evil fortunes for humanity.

The Holy Spirit told me that the dizziness, cramps, nausea, and all the symptoms you are dealing with are afflictions from Satan.

Monthly, ladies wait for a rough period, allowing the devil to do so. You let a disturbing spirit rest upon you when your period comes.

To give a better perspective, look at Saul in the Bible and how God sent a distressing spirit that troubled him greatly. (1 Samuel 16: 14)

The devil, in this case, sends a disturbing spirit upon women on their periods that troubles and afflicts them until their departure.

When I first realized the devil's game, oh, I would not allow the devil to play with my body anymore. I rejected that angry spirit that came to harass me each period as soon as I heard the truth.

Satan had no option but to flee my life because his evil works (devices) were exposed. I crushed him with the truth.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4: 7)

As we all know, the devil is cunning (I hate to admit it), so there must be a reason why he would inflict such pain on women. He wants to gain something out of it and, this is what he wants. Satan merely desires that you utter this sentence: “I curse my period and hate you!”

Perhaps, it seems like nothing much, but the devil can use your words against you. All he wants is for you to curse yourself, speak any lie in your being so that he can cause crises to unfold in your life, namely your health, in this case.

You probably had no idea that since you cursed your period, the devil now has permission to cause early menopause before you even have children! He is authorized to enforce that disaster on your life if he aspired to afflict you in such a manner.

Jesus explained to me that those words you spoke would have repercussions somewhere down the line in your life.

Yep, because you cursed your period, the devil can cause miscarriages, birth complications, e.t.c.

I know you are a child of God, so you are probably thinking, well, Jesus covers me under His blood from all agendas of Satan. Regardless, it is your words against yourself.

It is not that the devil has cursed you, which would not even work, for whom the Lord blesses, no man can curse, but you have cursed yourself.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18: 21)

I got this message across, but I would not end without conveying the solution in revoking your curse.

All you have to do is rebuke and renounce what you said. Ask Jesus to forgive you for cursing yourself and repent.

This way, the devil will no longer be able to use your own words against you because you cancelled the negative remarks of your mouth.

Reverse what you said (your curse) with words of truth!

I pray that you receive this revelation personally in your life so that you no longer suffer difficult afflictions during your period.

Satan will still challenge you, though. It will always be up to you to decide if you will allow him to prevail or fail.

Recently, I underwent a battle with Satan regarding my period. I felt that pain was about to erupt, which would leave me crippled to the floor.

But I persisted in prayer. I rejected the pain and spoke the truth that I discovered through Christ. I continued praying earnestly for quite some time, but I was determined not to allow the devil to prevail.

In the end, I conquered and was proud of myself. The rest of my period was smooth sailing. I was never bothered during the day or night by discomfort.

How you receive this message will depend on whether the harassment ends or continues. You must personally acknowledge this message in your heart and refuse to feel pain during your menstruation cycle.

Declare this reality in your life and know that period cramps and symptoms are not your portions!

I was tested several times after receiving this truth. One period, I completely forgot about the revelation I had, which enabled the devil to attack me viciously while I was at school!

I knew it was an attack because something felt off. The Holy Spirit was warning me. That day, I was supposed to stay after school for the art club, where I intended to start an art ministry to God's glory. But it never happened.

All-day long, I had a weird feeling in my stomach.

The sensation left me uneasy in my classes. I knew already that I was on my period, but something was very wrong with how I felt. I was tired, hot and felt awkward in my body. I had never felt that way before. It only intensified as I reached the end of the day.

As soon as school ended, the pain broke out suddenly when I suppose to be going to art club.

It was a nightmare. I will not go into all the detail. But take this as a lesson in what I mean by personalizing this revelation in your life.

You see, on that day, I did not stand firm in the truth and rebuked the pain. Nonetheless, after this incident, I did not fool around with the revelation God gave. When I faced a similar situation again, I refused and said no.

I told the devil the truth, so he got lost.

To all women, the devil will challenge you to see if you understand the truth about period cramps and where it comes from and see if you will reject it or not with the truth.

Getting ready for my period: What I do?

I always set my expectations in God for my period; either the day of my period or a few days earlier, I make declarations of faith. I would declare that my period would be short with no pain or symptoms.

Afterwards, I would bless my peirod and speak positively about it.

I thank God for it because, without my menstruation, I would not be able to have children in the future.

So that is what I do. I encourage you to do the same. I would have stopped preparing myself for my period like that if it did not work.

Now, one last thing I do to cope with any pain of Satan when he tries to oppress me is sing. Yep, I sing Christian songs or play them on my phone to chase every devil away.

It is similar to how David played the instrument to relieve king Saul of the distressing spirit that came to trouble him. It works, and it is mind-blowing how effective singing and listening to music is!

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